
2008-6-10 13:40:14 人气: 来源:http://www.thomas-school.com

Make the earth smile


What is the most beautiful language in the world? A smile! But how can we make the earth smile? That is the big question for contestants at our English Speaking Competition.

刚刚在上海举行的“21世纪·学乐杯小学组英语演讲比赛决赛中,47名来自全国各地的小选手设计了各种地球微笑计划 Three girls from Qingdao and Beijing won the Competition. They all speak good English. And their ideas are fresh and interesting.


冠军   把绿树还给鸟儿 Youre a bird in the forest! One day some strange creatures(怪物)come, and clear the land anf cut down the trees. You lose your home and have no food. Those strange creatures are no one other than we human beings. Lets turn our words into deeds to protect the earth!

刘慧雪 山东省青岛市金门路小学六(1)班


亚军       保护地球就是保护自己

Animals and plants are dying one by one. The earth is crying. It’s time for us to take care of her, because we have only one earth. Let’s start now!

竺秋逸 中国人民大学附属小学五(3)班


季军       世界需要和平

The earth used to a colourful world. But now there is so much killing in it. There are wars between people here and there. We need a peaceful world!

桑浩然 北京市景山学校六(5)班
