
2012-2-13 10:03:03 人气: 来源:http://www.thomas-school.com






第一天的下午,我们与德国的学生正式见面,我也在这天认识了我的第一个搭档——Marc Benning。我们之间的交流不存在任何障碍,而且还进行地异常顺利,在圆满完成了相互介绍之后,我们高兴地把自己的大头照挂到了墙上。接下来我们就正式进入了活动的主要部分。首先是由两国的学生分别介绍自己国家现今的优势与劣势。我们被分成了6个小组,在组内成员讨论之后,向大家展示每组的讨论结果。相信德国的学生在听了我们的介绍之后,会对当今的中国有个全新的认识。当天下午我们又有了一个新的任务,我们每个人要在60张写着各种不同的人生目标中选出6张,来确定对你自己对最重要的目标。这个任务说难不难,说简单也不简单,我就在几个选择中徘徊了很久,最终纠结着选出了6个目标,回头再看一遍,这似乎又是对自己重新的认识。在结束了这一环节之后,我们又被分组了,这次可是德国和中国学生混合的小组,我有幸和第一天认识的Marc又分到了一组,还认识了两个新朋友,FelixDominik。我们被分到一起后就要讨论出小组成员公认的6个人生目标。可能是因为一开始大家还不熟悉,讨论并没有想象中的热烈,但我还是很惊喜地发现,虽然两国的学生在不同的社会背景下成长,很多想法确是相同的。在几经争论之后,我们终于达成了共识,选出了对我们小组而言最重要的6个人生目标。重点是接下来的陈述,原来5个小组最终的选择大不相同啊。每个人都对选出来的目标做了一定的陈述,而且中间还穿插了和老师以及同学之间的争论,场面异常激烈。我们最后的任务就是构建一个未来城市,每个小组可以自己规划城市的布局,制定城市的法规,通过我们自己建造的理想城市来实现我们之前选出来的6个人生目标。这可真得算是一个浩大的工程,我们要自己动脑设计城市的地图,并且在一块巨大的木板上,用小木块搭建房屋,动手制作一个城市的模型。我们一共花了两天半的时间,历经坎坷,也有过意见的不合,最终通过共同的努力,完成了我们的城市,并把它展示给所有的老师及同学。

这么多天大家相处下来,或多或少都有感情的积累,在分别前的一晚,大家聚在一起,我还可以清楚地记得那晚大家的欢声笑语,还有不舍的伤感。可是时间总在推着我们前进,偶然的相遇还是会有必然的离别,我们都会带着对彼此的不舍,一同期待今年4月在青岛相聚。德语里有句俗语“Reisen bildet.”, 中文意思是读万卷书,不如行万里路。这次的德国之行我收获了太多太多,无法用几句话就表达清楚,但我必须感谢组织这次活动的老师们,正是有了你们的努力才促成了这样的文化交流活动。希望以后会有更多这样的活动,让中德两国能更好地认识彼此,理解彼此,包容彼此,世界也许会因此而变得更美好一点儿!

A Lasting Memory


Ever since I started to learn German, I kept dreaming about going to Germany and feeling the local customs and practices by myself for real. Because of this Chinese-German youth exchange program my dream came true. It was like a present for me, which I hadn’t expected before. Although it has been 20 days since the visit in Germany ended, I can still remember everything happened there, the friends we met, the food we ate, the work we did together and the place where we stayed. It seems that everything just happened yesterday.

With my deep longing for Germany my Chinese friends and I headed for Frankfurt. It took us more than 12 hours to get to the Frankfurt airport from Pudong, Shanghai. And it was 5 o’clock in the morning with a little rain. But I was still so excited that I could hardly believe I was really in Germany. Then I realized that everything was different from China. Strange German people and familiar German language caught my attention. We spent another two hours going to the Biggsee Academy, the place where we stayed for the following ten days.

We met 15 German students in the academy. And soon we became friends. I’ve known three special boys, they’re Dominik, Felix and Marc. We were in the same team to fulfill our tasks. I can’t describe how happy I am that we’ve become good friends after the project. They’re all very smart, cute and creative. It was amazing and impressive that we could solve problems together. As to the tasks, I’ve never managed to do such things before. The introductions of our partners, the presentations of advantages and disadvantages in both countries, the selection of six most important life goals and the last one, our ideal city, in which we can achieve all our goals, they were really interesting and we enjoyed ourselves during those days. In the spare time we liked to sit together around the fireplace, just chatting or playing games with each other. From time to time I was surprised by the similar thoughts both the Chinese and the Germen had. Everything went so smoothly and quickly that I could hardly notice how time flies.

But we can’t stop time from going on. Finally the day came when we had to say goodbye. All the things happened in those few days went through my mind. I can totally understand why we were hankering after the past ten days. It’s just like a wonderful intermezzo in my life, which I will no way forget about. I’ve gained so much through this program that I can’t describe in such few words. I just want to thank all the teachers who organized this exchange program. I really appreciate your efforts. The reunion in April this year is coming soon. Let’s wait for it together!






All along, I hope to have the opportunity to experience life abroad. The German exchange has finally achieved my desire. Procedures for preparing to go from the beginning to fly to Germany, the mood changed from excitement expected.

 In the ten hours of flight finally arrived beautiful Germany, at the airport we saw the enthusiastic Bernd teacher. Our special thanks bernd teachers and teachers of efforts to make Malaysia we have the opportunity to communicate. In the next ten days time, we enjoy this beautiful country of Germany the unique charm and feel his dry quiet, quiet, efficient, well-developed. Germany also felt the friendly and intelligent, of course, delicious German beer. In the exchange program, we first German students with each other and introduce themselves, and then we discuss their advantages and disadvantages of some countries. During the discussion, I learned more information about Germany, the situation will be compared between the two countries, while Germany has been more objective understanding of the situation, change their lives before the blind worship of foreign ideas. And after the event, I remember most is that friends do together and the German dream of the city, our city is called elephentown. We have to pay for his own best efforts. In the construction process, we are more in-depth understanding of each other's lives. We put their ideas are melting into the city, the hope that it will become the best city.

 In his spare time, we toured many German cities, felt the charm of German culture. Town streets, the streets next to the house, the endless forest, gave me left a deep impression. We also felt the gap with Germany, we must continue to strive to build their own country.

 Finally, thanks again, teachers and school activities to support Thomas

