
2013-8-28 7:55:14 人气: 来源:青岛外语培训



作者:2013中德交流团员 马虬睿






交流项目的第一天晚上,我在学院中玩到深夜,钱包相机等贵重物品全部遗落在了地下室中。次日我一喊,立刻有一位德国同学表示他捡到了,并把他的房间钥匙给我,说我自己去取就可以了。重新取回腰包,分文未少的确让我感激,但更让我钦佩的则是他递给我钥匙时眼神中澄澈的信任。我不禁联想到了Thomas在课上所讲到的:”Every one is considered to be trust worth in Germany unless he is proved not to be.”反观中国,我们是否在日常奉行着相反的理念,做着相反的事情?“One man’s meat is another’s poison” 这种理念在中国是否适用,无人知晓。

第五天下午,我们从shooting fest的广场中返回学院,遇上一位牵狗的老奶奶在静谧的村庄道路上前行。互相招呼过后,我询问她为何不去过节。可能是由于语言障碍,她用德语反反复复地讲述着去往shooting hall 的道路,直到我们终于把她的德文意思弄懂并点头示意。临别之际,她又表示自己已经81岁了,自己的狗换做人类的岁数也已77了,并抱歉自己不会英文。在夕阳的余晖中,一张满是褶皱、满是笑容的脸,一头花白闪烁着的发,一只走走停停的老狗,显得格外和谐、美好。

Neu-listernohlshooting fest中,喝啤酒尽兴的年轻人把我们这群中国游客拥到台前,蹦跳着、挥舞着手臂,应和着音乐唱啊、跳啊。他们相信:不管是哪一种文化的人民,都能够成为他们节日的一部分。当然德国人身上也不全是优点,喝啤酒喝醉后,有互相斗殴的、口吐狂言的、破坏公物的,也是丑态百出。




German Impression

作者:2013中德交流团员 马虬睿Qiurui Ma

My Chenglish capability has increased fast. So I seek only understandable English. This passage is to remind me of the time staying in Germany and to cover down mine impression on the program.

It has been two days since I got back from the land of Germany. Having already written part of my impression on German cities and societies in Chinese, I will mainly talk about what I felt about the exchange program itself in several aspects today.

1. Quiet

The airplane landed smoothly and softly in Frankfurt’s airport. It didn’t occur to me that Frankfurt was very much different from Qingdao until we entered the custom’s hall. People formed lines silently, without chatting with companions or asking which line to join. The hall was as quiet as a grave yard.  In the following days, we experienced walking in little villages like Braufels or Attendorn. But no matter where we are, there was always silence around. Indeed less population may be a contributing factor to less noise. But when there were people around, silence was still there. Walking on the pavement of Neu-listernohl, I could hear the wind blowing, the birds singing, the trees waving. Probably that is the reason why Europeans love to stay in a rather noiseless condition.

2. Nature

German towns are mainly connected by the high way. Five minutes drove from Frankfurt airport we were out on the high way. Besides the high way, there was always a breath taking view of the natural grassland or forest. Trees as tall as mansions went straight up in the air and blocked the sun. I felt like that we were driving on a road in the middle of a forest. There will be no comparison of the coverage rate of forest in Germany even if our mayor Mr. Zhang continues to plant trees until his retirement. on the bus, I saw bridges connecting both sides of the forest with the mark “dear crossing”. I supposed the highway is designed and built across the old forests and animals like dears would be able to cross the road to the other side of the road only if the bridges are built.  In Sauerland, the rolling hills, the floating rivers, the little peaceful villages lying in the valleys formed the greatest picture of harmony between nature and the society.


Many Chinese hold the false believe that Germany is a country of rigor. They say:“ Oh, look at the Germans. They do everything perfectly. No mistakes, no spare parts.” Seeing our German friends haven’t shown this quality much, I have to conclude that the idea is too general. Nevertheless, the old generation seems to be much more rigorous than the young. It was the first day we arrived at the academywhen Bernd made a thorough introduction of the building to the exchange students, both German and Chinese. He guided us to the TV room, the bar, the snooker table, the chimney room, the table football, the reception, and personally the most impressive of all, the emergency exit. It is common in China that most buildings do not even have stairs for emergency circumstances not to mention an exaggeration on it. Repeatedly, Bernd highlighted the importance of gathering at the parking lot when there is a fire. I assume that this have already been a common practice to give a brief introduction of the building when new comers arrive in the buildings, however, I have experienced nothing like this in China.

4. Food in Germany

There is a saying that: One man’s meat is another’s poison. That is absolutely the truth on mine condition. I felt just on the contrary of Thomas who expressed the feeling of eating like a king in the academy. The afternoon tea (a piece of cake and a cup of coffee) was good despite of the fact that the cake was too sweet yet the coffee tasted too bitter. The breakfast (pieces of bread, cheese, pieces of meat, jam, yogurt, cold milk etc.) tasted rather good at first but gradually went bad in the following days. And I believed that breakfast was the chief culprit of my soar throat which linked to my cold because the bread and the jam is either too salty or to sweet. Mentioned about the food, I really have to express my gratitude to Maike’s mom whose cooking skills saved me from the poor food in the academy. The lunch (potato with pork and spaghetti with schnitzel) and the afternoon tea were real delicacy for me. Frau Brueggemann said that when Germans are in China, they may face the same problems as I did.

5. Freedom and Rules

To be honest, I didn’t learn much from the poster making on the advantages and the disadvantages of china and of Germany. The problems were there, and will continue to be there if we students-future master of our country keep boosting about the problems in China rather than doing something. We have lived in this country with the problems for more than 15 years and I really can not agree that we will know our problems from a much clearer level just through a simple poster making. Well anyway, German students haven’t done a lot of work in this part either. The next part of choosing the six most important things in our life was eye-catching. It promotes thinking about who I am going to be. I chose freedom without a second of hesitation. “Freedom and liberty”, “freedom and democracy”, “freedom and equality” these are the most common phrases that we hear from the western politicians. But what is the glass ceiling, the limit of freedom? I am an advocate of the theory: the limit of freedom is not to affect the other’s freedom, quiet similar to “the limit of freedom is the freedom under the rules”. Commonly, the rules are made to protect the other’s freedom; however, rules sometimes are made by the fewer, not by the majority. There may be biases or flaws. For instance, one rule in this program was: Every one should get back to the dormitory by 11 p.m. I understood. It wanted to make sure that those who would like to have a good dream at night not to be affected by the students returning to the dormitory. One loophole: though it successfully guaranteed the freedom of those who would like to sleep at night, it forgot others’. I strongly recommend that the rule should be like thusEvery one should get back to the dormitory by 11 p.m unless he or she can make sure that no noise is made so that the sleeping quality of others can be guaranteed. As for the other rules, I admit that we have not done enough and need to pay more attention to our behaviors.

6. Punctuality

It is widely known that Germans follow strict rules on time. Even one or two minutes’ late can be regarded as unpunctual. This is the truth. Well, in most cases. That means except unchangeable natural factor like storms, tornados, etc. or they are drunk. Seldom did I see German students were late for something. It is always Chinese students including myself that were always late. In the first five days, due to my ignorance to the time rules and my cold, I was late for several times. It was not good at all especially when I caught sight of eyes staring at me. So on and on it went, it gradually gained space in my mind to do things according to the time table. At dawn of the sixth day, loaded with bags of merchandize, rushing from the mall “REWE” from Attendorn back to the academy, I covered more than 3 kilometers in 15 minutes so as to join the BBQ party on time. When I got back, however, there were no nothing. Actually, I felt good about being punctual, being right. But what if right or wrong doesn’t matter? Coming back at 6 is the same as coming back at 7, because you have to wait for an hour doing nothing if you get back at 6. Then, is it meaningless to be right and follow the rules that are made by the few not the majority? There is a lot to think about. Well, but I still believe that the quality of punctuality is indispensable for a single person.

7. German Fests

There are shooting fests in every village or town in Sauerland in August, just different weeks. The three-day festival is like a grand party for the people in town. Old or young, Herrn oder Damen, citizen or tourist can all be a part of it. This tournament is much more than shooting a woolen bird; it is about having a chance to know each other in the town better. After a long day of hard work, people of the whole town sat together, drinking one or two glasses of beer, having chats with each other, dancing with modern music in front of the long tables, singing “Ich bin solo” with their arms waving. Having an opportunity to know each other better is quiet good. My partner once told me: She knew every one living in the town, together with their dog’s names, their enemies, etc. Now look at Chinese neighborhood, although living in the same flat, people do not know others’ names, not to mention others’ dogs. What we need in China is a little bit of care for each others, a little bit of initiative.

8. The Secrets behind “Made in Germany”

Chinese people are used to making mock of the quality of the product as a mere mention of “this is made in China”. Buying things with a mark “made in Germany” would be a totally different story. As years pass, we started to wonder why “German made” stands for a higher quality, a trust worth quality. We followed our guide into the company of “Kirchhoff” and saw with our own eyes the answer to the question. The machines in the company seemed to have little difference from the other factories. Forklifts were rushing, machines were roaring, and the most important of all, the workers were all busy doing their works. No one was day dreaming. Kirchhoff is a typical German family company mainly making car parts. The “family company” means that the company is one hundred percent controlled by a family. It is not going to be listed on the stock market. The family hold the idea that this company has belonged to our family for more than a hundred of years, and it will continue to be ours in the future; when we make a decision, we have to think about our employees, our co-workers, our town, our future. So when all the other companies are firing their workers for saving budgets, they are trying to undertake the responsibility of taking care of their workers; when other companies are dumping their co-companies because doing business with them doesn’t keep the money rolling in, they are providing more help and care for the co-companies; when other companies are pouring polluted water into the river, emitting polluted air into the atmosphere, they are doing with there biggest efforts to save the surrounding environment. In German family companies like Kirchhoff, future must be taken into account of everything. No wonder why “made in Germany” stands for trust worth qualities. In China, we have our own policy of sustainable development, than why don’t we carry on the policy.

9. about History

We visited the museum in Bonn and I saw in Muenster the parade against new Nazis. The mark “Nazis, Nein Danke” was striking: to face what we have done rather than trying to avoid it is a noble quality for all.

10. Two Countries, Two Cultures, One World

This is the theme of the exchange program. Bernd presented the idea after the essential part-the future city. After two days of collaboration between Chinese and Germans, our future city was officially presented to all. I could not agree more with Bernd when he said: “You have lived in two different countries which are more than eight thousand kilometers away, in two kinds of different cultures and histories. But you have worked perfectly together in the last two days. I think we can learn something from this. Though our politicians have a lot of disagreement, the people can still work together and make perfect things. I thi, nk our leaders can also learn something from this. It can be Germany with China, with Italy, with Canada, with Americawith Spain, and one day with the whole world. ”

This is the most important part of the program and I want to end my essay with it: Whatever history we have, whatever kind of culture we are cultivated in, whoever we are, as long as we want, we will be able to join hands and say: Yes, we can make where we live a better place.  


作者:2013中德交流团员 孙慧杰




第二天晚上:绿茵丛里,排球场上,众目睽睽之下,我发球失误了,正窘着,Lisa问我道:“Do  you  want  to  try  again?”我有些犹豫,如果再失误呢?“Yes, you can  do  it!”她的眼神坚定而友好,话语也是那样充满力量,她把球递给我,不知哪里来的勇气,我接过球,开始又一次的尝试,也许因为上次的失误,我产生了抵触的情绪,再一次失败了,球径直打到我的脸上,我说不出自己的感觉,有尴尬有歉疚,又有莫名的勇气想让我继续尝试直到我成功.她走过来,再次把她发球的机会让给了我,“Try  it  again? You  can  do  it!”终于,Lisa自始至终的鼓励帮助我克服了自己的抵触情绪,我感到暖暖的,一直很暖,告别时,Lisa再次对我说:“Be

 Confident! You can do it!” “I will  never  forget  it!”我想,以后,无论遇到多么困难的事,我都会对自己先说一声:“I can  do  it!”可怕的不是失败,而是没有走出失败的勇气。

第三天晚上,我们大家应邀参加当地一年一度的shooting  festival,我们闻声找到环行的乐队,欣赏乐队的演奏过后,便是畅饮,随后,大家在舞台上围成几个大大小小的圈子跳舞,所有的人眼睛里都充满友善和热情,几乎所有的人都融为一体,在有节律感的音乐下尽情地释放,让人感到震撼,我一下爱上了这样的狂欢,和大家聚在一起载歌载舞,夜夜狂欢,好梦没人睡!





作者:2013年中德交流团员 蓝家良



当然,令我难忘的还有德国人们的热情,在去我的德国朋友Carla家做客时,她的父亲因为我看见他家的自行车,而问的一句:Can you ride bike?而认真地为我介绍了从轮胎质量到路程表使用的一系列方法。临别礼物,Carla送了我一张印有德语常用单词的意思,为了让我了解单词的意思,Carla竟将每一个单词都翻译成英语,附在纸上,这一点一滴都令我感动不已……


The trip of Germany

作者:2013年中德交流团员 蓝家良

When I arrived in Germany,I saw lots of trees.We are very excited.

In next 12 days,we got alone well with each other.I found that German are more creative than Chinese.The cases of butter were used to make a fun park by German students.We are all very surprised.

And when I was invited by Carla,I was very happy.Her family are very enthusiastic.I only asked her father if he could ride bike.Then Her father tell me all the things about his bike.

I fell in love with Germany.In the future,maybe I will go to Germany again!
